
Ice Cream Social

Wed. July 27th 6:00pm-7:30pm Veterans Park 10707 Taylorsville Rd Louisville, KY 40299 RSVP:

Meet and Eat at Chuy’s

CHUY'S 104 Oxmoor Ct. August 12 @ 11 RSVP by August 9

6th Annual FEAT of Louisville and Park Community Credit Union Trunk or Treat

Park's 6th Annual Trunk or Treat  This year, we’ve extended the hours to extend the fun! This FREE event will be filled with festive decorations, costumes, fun, and don't forget the TREATS! We welcome all special needs individuals and their families to join the fun with our sensory hours which will take place from 3PM […]

Sensory Friendly Movie Showing- Polar Express

Crowne Pointe Theatre 2908 Dolphin Dr., Elizabethtown

Catch a ride "Why, to the North Pole, of course! This is the Polar Express!" We will have a sensory-friendly showing of The Polar Express on November 12. Tickets are […]