Exceptional Child Education (ECE)
Exceptional Child Education (ECE) programs are designed to meet the needs of students who have educational disabilities. Services are provided to students in both comprehensive and special education facilities, and a range of programs, techniques, methods, and materials are available for individualized instruction.
Individual Education Program (IEP) goals for ECE students are developed to address academic, social/emotional, and transition needs (e.g., changing to a different academic program, progressing from one level to another, or starting a career).
How to negotiate an ARC meeting
Kentucky Protection and Advocacy
Meeting Negotiation Strategies
- Anticipating Arguments
- Common Arguments and Suggested Counter Arguments
- Mediating Strategy
- Seating
- What to do if you get upset/angry
Title 707
Kentucky Board of Education, Office of Special Instructional Services
- Definitions
- Kentucky Special Education Mentor Program
- Free appropriate public education
- Child find, evaluation, and reevaluation
- Determination of eligibility
- Individual education program
- Procedural safeguards and state complaint procedures
- Placement decisions
- Confidentiality of information
- Children with disabilities enrolled in private schools
- Monitoring and recovery of funds
Parents, educators, advocates, and attorneys come to Wrightslaw for accurate, reliable information about special education law, education law, and advocacy for children with disabilities.
U.S. Congressmen from Kentucky
HB296: The Kentucky Commission on Autism Specturm Disorders