A new option for those receiving Medicaid waiver services (SCL, HCB, ABI). This allows the consumer or a chosen representative (over 21 yrs) to choose the “who, when, where” of many of your non-medical & non-residential waiver services.
To qualify you should be receiving or be eligible for services through: HCB, SCL, ABI.
Contact your current Medicaid Waiver Case Manager or KIPDA at (503) 266-6084.
Crisis Prevention & Response Grant
Person-centered, short-term response for those 18 yrs & older with intellectual/developmental disabilities who are having a behavioral/psychiatric emergency & need immediate intensive supports in order to remain in their community or home.
The adult with ID/DD and/or family are experiencing an acute, immediate crisis as determined by the Department for Mental Retardation’s crisis rating scale & the adult & his/her family has insufficient resources or skills to cope & the adult and/or family evidences impairment of judgment and/or impulse control/perceptual disabilities.
On Call Service Coordinator
(502) 459-5292
(800) 459-5292
After hours & weekends, call Crisis & Information Center at (502) 589 4313.
Provides two programs. Screening services, which provide well-child services & Special services which provides services not typically provided by Medicaid (medical, vision, hearing, dental).
Under 21 and Medicaid eligible
To learn more about both parts of the program: contact KY Dept Medicaid Services, (800) 635 2570.
Home & Community Based Waiver
Provides necessary medical services to Medicaid-eligible persons who are aged or disabled & would otherwise require nursing facility level of care. Services can include: assessment, personal care & homemaker services, respite, minor home adaptations, adult day health care & more. (CDO can be used with this waiver).
- At risk of nursing home placement
- Medicaid eligible based on individual not family income. If individual not on Medicaid, qualifying for HCB may enable Medicaid eligibility.
- A physician must certify the need
Contact Department for Medicaid Services at (502) 564-5707
This program provides services to children/adolescents with psychiatric disabilities. Service coordination is offered. The purchase of miscellaneous items needed by the child. Support groups are available.
- Must be younger than 18 years old
- Have a clinical diagnosis of a psychiatric disorder
- Must experience at least two of the following:
- Limited self-care ability
- Difficulty building interpersonal relationships
- Difficulty participating in daily life activities
- Disabled for at least one year
- Must require service planning from at least two agencies
Call Kentucky Impact (502) 564-7610 or visit dbhdid.ky.gov/dbh/kyimpact.aspx to learn more.
Provides a network of care for Medicaid eligible children with complex treatment needs.
- Medicaid eligible
- 21 yrs or younger
- At risk for immediate/extensive institutionalization or have a clinically significant behavioral health disorder other than mental retardation, dementia or personality disorder
- Disorder documented throughout a six month period
Contact IMPACT PLUS coordinator, KY Dept of Mental Health Services (502) 564-4797.
For more information about the IMPACT program, visit dbhdid.ky.gov/dbh/kyimpact.aspx.
Kentucky Hart-Supported Living Grant
A grant for services to provide support for a person with a disability to live in the community, including training, personal care, home modifications, equipment, job coach, etc.
- Kentucky resident
- Serves anyone covered by ADA
- Evidence that all other possible funding sources have been exhausted
Applications due April 1st of each year
Michelle P Waiver
A new waiver designed to provide non-residential supports & services needed by individuals with MR or DD to enable them to live safely in the community. Can provide up to 40 hours per week of services. (Case management, personal care, day habilitation, respite, behavioral supports & more).
Michelle P waiver
- Must meet level of care criteria for placement in an ICF/MR facility
- Must be Medicaid eligible
Visit chfs.ky.gov/dms/mpw.htm.
Supports for Community Living Waiver (SCL Waiver)
A Medicaid program developed as an alternative to institutional care for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities.
- Kentucky resident
- Serves anyone covered by ADA
- Evidence that all other possible funding sources have been exhausted
Obtain a MAP 620 form from the Division of Mental Retardation (502 564-7702) or by contacting Seven Counties at 502 459-5292. Seven Counties can assist with completion of form. Visit https://chfs.ky.gov/dms/scl/ for more information.