About Me:
I am a mom of three boys, Isaac (17), Ian (15) and Elijah(12). Isaac and Ian both have Autism. We received the first diagnosis over 15 years ago, and at the time my
husband and I were not sure what to do or where to go for help. A friend told us about FEAT of
Louisville and the programs and support that they offered. We immediately decided to get
involved so we could learn from others that had been on this journey. This was a slow process
for us because we were still trying to navigate and wrap our minds around what Autism was
and what did it mean for our boys and their future. When Ian received his diagnosis this hit us
pretty hard and we soon discovered we needed to get off of our “island” and needed to
surround ourselves with other families, just like us, that were on the same journey. FEAT has
allowed us to take our children swimming, roller skating, The Louisville Science Center, local
parks and even a Louisville Bat’s game in a fun, yet safe environment. My children have been
able to go out into the community and feel loved and accepted by other families. FEAT’s Autism
Friendly Business Initiative has also allowed Isaac to get a part time seasonal job at a local AFBI
business. This has given him so much confidence and skills that will continue to help him grow.
FEAT has not only given my family a sense of belonging, but it has ignited a passion within me
to help bring other families that have children with Autism together. The families that are a part
of FEAT have become an extended family to me. My purpose is to give families the same HOPE,
that was given to our family.