
YMCA Sensory Friendly Swim

Southwest Family YMCA 2800 Fordhaven Road, Louisville

"Our swimming lessons for children with special needs teach your child how to swim using creative techniques and gentle methods. We understand that every child learns in a different manner. […]

2024 FEAT 5K Run/Walk

Parklands of Beckley Creek 1411 Beckley Creek Parkway, Louisville

FEAT of Louisville is a 501c3 organization whose mission since 1999 is dedicated to “Easing the autism journey, through a network created for families by families, by providing ongoing support, […]

FEAT Special Needs School & Resource Transition Fair

1100 E Market St, Louisville, KY 40206

Join us for your one stop shop for schools at every age and resources for the special needs community. Please RSVP by June 19

FEAT family swim

1100 E Market St, Louisville, KY 40206

The therapy pool is fully accessible for those with special considerations, equipped with an aquatic wheelchair, a stretcher lift, a zero-depth entry ramp, and an exercise bench. The facility also […]

YMCA Sensory Friendly Swim

Southeast YMCA 5930 Six Mile Lane, Louisville

“Our swimming lessons for children with special needs teach your child how to swim using creative techniques and gentle methods. We understand that every child learns in a different manner. […]

Frozen FEAT Summer Camp

Iceland Sports Complex 1701 Ups Dr, Louisville

Louisville Skating Academy and FEAT of Louisville Invites you toFrozen FEAT Summer Camp Wednesdays in July (July 10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st) 5PM-6PM All ability campers + siblings Ages 5-17, […]

Sensory Friendly Karaoke Night

TEN20 Highlands 2200 Bardstown Road, Louisville

Join FEAT of Louisville and Dreams With Wings us for a fun night at TEN20 Craft Brewery for Karaoke Night. Please RSVP.

FEAT Family Swim

1100 E Market St, Louisville, KY 40206

Join us for FEAT Family Swim. The therapy pool is fully accessible for those with special considerations, equipped with an aquatic wheelchair, a stretcher lift, a zero-depth entry ramp, and […]

Give For Good Louisville

Give to FEAT of Louisville on Thursday, September 12th, 2024 for Louisville's biggest day of giving!